RJW Associates - a niche advisory company specialising in safeguarding & carrying out safeguarding reviews (SCR, DHR, SAR's) as well as operational and strategic reviews.
The company also delivers lectures and training, giving advice both operationally and strategically on a range of issues from reviews to advising on local and national policies.
Russell is currently the Independent chair for Peterborough's Safeguarding Children and Adult Board. The Children's board in September 2015 received an impressive 'good' judgement from Ofsted. Russell has led the partnership response to CSE during this period.
Russell has been involved in approximately 20 SCR's/DHR's in the last two years. One of which; the National Panel of Experts stated was an exemplar on how SCR's should be written.
Russell was the Independent chair of Hammersmith & Fulham’s Local Safeguarding Children’s board, and Ofsted, on inspection, said the partnership board was 'outstanding'. Whilst there, Russell chaired a complex SCR panel, which received an outstanding evaluation from Ofsted.
Recently Russell co-authored a Safeguarding book, 'Multi-agency Safeguarding in public protection' with the proceeds going to children's charities.
ACPO looked to Russell most recently to re-write the ACPO guidance on Investigating child deaths. He also advises nationally and Internationally on safeguarding as well as homicide and major crime reviews.
Russell was a key member of producing ‘Working Together’ 2010 and was also a key contributor of Professor Eileen Munro’s ‘Review of Child Protection in England.
Russell acts as an associate tutor for the CoP and CoLP.
With a keen interest and experience in investigations, Russell pursued and gained a Doctorate, the title was 'Investigating Child death. The balanced approach between sensitivity and the investigative mindset'.